Racism In Ireland Analysis

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(a) Fanning, B. (2002) Racism and social change in the Republic of Ireland. First Edition. Oxford Road, Manchester: Manchester University Press. (b) Bryan Fanning’s book, Racism and social change in the Republic of Ireland refers to racism in Irish society throughout a historical context. The book concentrates mainly on the relationship between ideological forms of racism and the effects upon black and ethnic minorities and the author argues that Ireland was never immune from the racist ideologies that dominated relationships between the “West and the rest” regardless of a history of colonial anti-Irish racism. Formal academic is the main writing style throughout the book. The author uses other books and journals to back up points that are…show more content…
The chapter examines the origins and changing context of racism in Irish society. The main argue is that Ireland was never secluded from racist remarks from the west and puts considerable emphasis on the concept of xenophobia, which means ‘fear of the stranger’ to explain such prejudice and intolerance, “The term ‘xenophobia’ is often used in the Irish context in arguments that the exclusion faced by new minority communities is a response of a homogenous society to the unknown rather than racism”, (Fanning, 2002, p.18). Fanning outlines the key ideas and analysis through intricate language and uses other sources such as, ‘Gaelic Annual (1907-8)’ which gives the reader an example of racial undertones (2002, p.9). Chapter three; ‘Nation-building and exclusion’, discusses ruling conceptions of Irish national identity. Fanning discusses the exclusionary consequences of nation building and social modernisation from the nineteenth century for minority communities in Ireland. The main discussion of the chapter refers to the past and to specific groups, such as Protestants, Jewish and traveller communities. The chapters begins with discussing each ethnic group separately and then conjugates all three together which allows the reader to perceive the chapter. The use of other sources is evident and are highly…show more content…
Fanning refers to the rights of minorities and how it is unfair for them to be discriminated against. There is also a particular focus upon the relationship between ideological forms of racism and the consequences of racism upon the lives of black and ethnic minority people in Ireland. The author once again uses a table to make a reference to the points stated in the chapter, ‘Some multicultural possibilities’ (p.183). Fanning also uses bullet points of facts and historical dates and other sources to make the points that are being clarified considerably easier to understand for the

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