Essay On Importance Of Electricity

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Acknowledgement: I would like to thank all those teachers in my school and Collage , I don't forget to mention a great thanks for my father who make me love electrical engineer and my mother for supporting me in my studies that save her time for helping me ,my sister extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for being with me when I need you whatever I want . A special thanks to my friends whose motivate me and always being behind me in sadness even happines . last but not least , I wish to express my deepest gratitude to " GOD" who made every things possible and encouraged me to begin and complete this report .…show more content…
And still, after all that, functional applications for power were few, and it would not be until the late nineteenth century that architects had the capacity put it to modern and private utilization. The fast extension in electrical innovation at this point changed industry and society. Power's remarkable adaptability implies it can be put to a very nearly boundless set of uses which incorporate transport, warming, lighting, correspondences, and processing. Electrical force is currently the spine of current mechanical

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