Paul Of Tarsus: The Rise Of Christianity

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Since Christianity’s foundation, it has been the most established religion, surpassing all others in terms of numbers, influence and depth. Christianity's profoundly rapid expansion didn’t come without severe ramifications and complications. There was a time where numbers of Christianity failed to exceed one hundred. Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish Pharisee, had previously partaken in radical and dedicated persecution of Christians. Subsequently, Paul became the most influential figure in Christianity apart from Jesus Christ himself. Paul wisely escorted early followers of Jesus from an underground cult, to a thriving and respected religious sect, and further on to Christianity as it exists today. Paul of Tarsus took his passion from Judaism, and…show more content…
Many cities in Asia minor and the Mediterranean had high numbers of Roman Citizens, whom lived life as Romans, following Paganistic religions and Roman traditions. During the second and third journeys, Paul, Silas, Timothy, Priscilla, Aquila and Luke traversed “Lystra, Philippi, Thessalonica, Athens, Macedonia and other Mediterranean areas”( 1998), actively promoting the Gospel. However, Paul came across a large problem in Athens. As Acts 17:16 states, “Paul was deeply distressed to see that Athens was full of idols”. Due to this, Paul began arguing in Synagogues and marketplaces with Jews, Gentiles and Pagans, even some of Athens’ best Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers (NRSV Acts 17:18). People of Athens took Paul to the Areopagus, where he stood before representatives. Epigrammatically presented, Paul noticed a statue of an “Unknown God”, he then used this to his advantage, and explained that what they worshipped as unknown, is in actual fact “The God who made the world and everything in it…” (NRSV Acts 17:24), and that the God which Paul is speaking of is, “not served by human hands... as he gives all mortals life”(NRSV Acts 17:25). Paul then finally illuminates the Athenians by explaining that we cannot understand God’s true nature through paintings and sculptures, as he is beyond our mortal understanding. After Paul concluded his explanation, many Jews, Gentiles and Pagans responded profusely well (NRSV Acts 17:32). Due to Paul’s crafty and innovative perceptive abilities, he was able to find common ground between the Athenians and himself, as well as Christianity, thus affecting the conveyance of Christianity. Changing the perception of Christianity as well as changing the Athenians minds and would have undoubtedly shook the traditional views of Athenian culture, bringing Athens to understand that there is no need for

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