Roles Of Women In Italian Renaissance

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The Renaissance was considered to be a time of growth, rebirth, and revival of the traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome. This cultural movement was believed to have taken place from around 1350-1600 CE after Europe had experienced little to no achievements during the dark Middle Ages. Educating youth became a prominent aspect of Italian society during the Renaissance in order to make sure that the humanist ideals remained for generations and years to come. The Italian Renaissance did make strides in the right direction for the education of women and young girls, but it can be seen that this society did not allow women to reach their full intellectual potential. During the time of the Italian Renaissance, society, although providing women with…show more content…
However, it can be seen that the Renaissance had a larger effect on the opportunities given to males than the opportunities given to females. Although females were given some opportunity to get an education among men, what they could accomplish with this education was extremely limited. Literature and art of this time period idolized males and portrayed them in a dominating role, while females were shown as completely dependent on their male counterparts (“Did Women have a Renaissance”, Kelly, Joan). The Renaissance brought about a new wave of thinking called humanism. Humanism focused on the human aspects of life, rather than the supernatural and godly aspects of life. Humanism held women back from experiencing any practical opportunities in education because it defined a sharp line between public and private affairs. Society was still stuck in the notion that women were to be involved in private affairs while the men should be handling the public affairs. Most men thought like this, no matter how educated and scholarly a woman was and some even believed that the education of women would be detrimental to society as a…show more content…
This preconception of success held women back from reaching their full potential and breaking out of their “sphere of influence” in their homes as wives and mothers. Cassandra Fedele and Laura Cereta were also women of Renaissance Italy who tried to educate themselves and obtain a better life with more educational opportunities. However, even though they spent most of their time focusing on their studies, they were forced to choose between two paths of life that were deemed worthy for women of this time: to get married or to join a convent. Unfortunately, there was a limited amount of options for an educated woman to support herself and make a living. To remain “free” from the restrictions of married life, women during this time would join convents so that they could have more free time to study independently without a husband ruling every aspect of their lives. Even with the opportunity of getting an education, women were certainly not able to reach their full potentials due to the limits that males and society put on

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