Role Of Logic In Julius Caesar

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We would all like to think ourselves as independent thinkers, that we would be immune to manipulation and that logic alone drives our actions. That is not, however, the case. William Shakespeare in his work “Julius Caesar” presents the concepts of logic and language by using characters such as Brutus and Cassius, who are complete paradoxes in the way they use these tools of speech. The three definitions of logic useful in this context are: convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness; reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions; a particular method of reasoning or argumentation (source: Language is communication by voice in the distinctively human manner, using arbitrary sounds in conventional…show more content…
He has a habit of trusting the wrong people. In act 1 scene 2, during a conversation with Brutus, Cassius says: “Brutus, I do observe you as of late: I have not from your eyes that gentleness and show of love as I was wont to have” (1.2.32). Brutus immediately apologizes, blaming it on personal problems. Here, we have the first prime example of Cassius toying with Brutus’s introverted nature and him using Brutus’s obliviousness to other people’s impressions’. Cassius has managed to take the upper hand in this conversation with a mere few lines and can now direct it exactly where he wants it to: Caesar: Cassius is careful to not never aim for Brutus's vanity, because he does not have any but to Brutus' great sense of responsibility towards…show more content…
Cassius has Brutus under his thumb for most of the play even though Brutus starts to act as if he is the leader of the conspirators towards act 4 “ the most prominent example of this phenomenon is in act 2 scene 1 when Lucius returns and hands Brutus a letter he found. Brutus asks him to go check whether the next day is the ides of March, and reads the letter by the light of a meteor shower. It asks "Shall Rome, et cetera?" and urges him to "Speak, strike, redress" (2.1.46-7). Brutus takes this to mean that Rome must not have a king, and that he, like his ancestor, must prevent this. Meteors were supposed to herald important events. As he does in conversation, Cassius leaves blanks in his letter. Brutus fills in the gaps—without his interpretation, the letter is meaningless. Of course he is unaware of this scheme and Cassius has proven, once again that with his language skills and his ability to mess with Brutus’s logic to get him to think and do what he

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