William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Hannah Gentry Dr.Myhan and Mrs.Howe 1st 28 September 2015 Shakespearean Themes Though Shakespeare is no longer living, his works are still very much alive. Unbelievably, the works may be more popular today than when written. Now that the internet and other resources exist, Shakespeare’s plays can be shared all over the world, thus gaining popularity. The topics of Shakespearean works are still ever-present in modern-day writing. These themes tend to be seen throughout everyday life in daily issues. Though not typically acknowledged, these themes are existing in every passing second. Even William Shakespeare’s most minute pieces had the themes of fate, love, and death. These said themes are linked to one another, so if one is found, the other…show more content…
Love is an occurrence that most people go through, even if unreciprocated. Love can hurt or end in happiness. Death is a tragic event in life that ends the fate of a being. Throughout time, the search for eternal life has been an obsession. The idea of living forever is highly appealing to most, even when there are many consequences of it. All of the above themes are shown in the novels of many genres. Themes are reused ideas throughout any piece of art. There will never be any new themes in life because it is impossible for another to be created. There will also never be any new ideas. Everything has been thought of, just not recorded. All ideas and themes have been used. Modern literature shows this by reusing ideas thought of from the early years of the Earth. The ideas…show more content…
(As You Like It.2.7.139-143) These lines in As You Like It, Jaques tells of how everyone is a part of a larger game. All people are simply pawns in the game of life that each have separate roles in the fates of others. Each player can inflict actions upon the others that are not planned all of the time. The pieces make individual decisions. Sparknotes says “Even the characters in Shakespeare’s plays knew that fate was a large part of life’s course,” and this seems to be very true by how Jaques is acknowledging the fate in the lives of others. Cassius: “The fault, my dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. (Julius Caesar.1.2.140-141) Above is another prime example of one of Shakespeare’s characters acknowledging fate. Fate tends to be referred to as “the stars” so when Cassius is speaking of the stars, he means fate. Cassius is saying to not blame it on fate, but the decisions of beings. Brutus is trying to blame fate for the things that happen in life but it is partially the fault of other people. The Sparknotes to Romeo and Juliet say “Romeo and Juliet constantly see omens. When Romeo believes that Juliet is dead, he cries out “Then I defy you, stars,” completing the idea that the love between Romeo and Juliet is in opposition to the decrees of destiny.” Coincidences were never discussed, ate was the answer to everything. Something small would be blamed on fate rather than taking logic into account. These themes

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