Role Of Death In Society

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Society and Individual's Death We are living heterogeneous society different perspective/way of life and aspiration from life. Each society has certain norms that everyone has to follow and motive of such norms is smooth functioning of the social structure. These norms play a vital role in the life of common man by creating pressure. This peer pressure on the individuals of the society sometimes becomes problematic for them and result in severe consequences. George orwell wrote an essay 'Shooting of an elephant' in this essay orwell tried to show how pressure and expectation of people can change your decision. I witnessed the similar situation in society and an educational institute. I was born and brought up in a small village of district…show more content…
We are known for our culture in world. We love our heritage and culture. Our traditions, honor, and social status play an important role in our life. People are highly attached with their culture and roots. When I was small kid my grandmother use to tell me stories of great persons who did something good for society. Moral of most tale used to be that if you have done anything wrong or against the establishment norms of the society (without considering any rational behind them), you have to face the severe consequences. As a child I tried to find the rationale behind many of those so called pious traditions and I never find convincing answer for many of them. I used to think how I can help in some or the other way but each time I find myself helpless, Few years of my childhood passed in the village than I shifted to hostel in the near town then to Navodaya School leaving very less time for me to stay in the village. When I was in eleventh class I was hostel captain of Pratap Hostel (most notorious hostel of the school). Once we had some minor issue with administration in the school where two students of ninth class were caught cheating in the exam and administration took a very harsh decision to expel both of them from school., when this news spread in the campus, students became…show more content…
He was living a decent life one can say. It was family of seven members (farmer, farmer's son, farmer's father, wife two daughters). It was a happy family united in the time of crisis and joy time. In the bad monsoon or drought which is the characteristic feature of Rajasthan, that family had to see a very tough time. It was the hard work of the family and farmer so that his family used to earn a respectable earning for the year. They used to handle such situation in their own way because they have developed that third sense for the natural calamities and their way to cope with those. In the happy life of the family then came the ugly days that shook my inner
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