Women In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest piece of epic western literature. It is one of the earliest known works of literary fiction from Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is located between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. The people of Mesopotamia were the first to develop a system of writing (Fajardo-Acosta). Many stories were written about Gilgamesh in the Sumerian language, and recorded on clay tablets using cuneiform text shortly after Gilgamesh’s rule in 2700 B.C. (Fajardo-Acosta). The use of clay tablets allowed the contents to survive for many years. Through the use of translation, the stories continue to thrive today. The Epic of Gilgamesh is considered by scholars to be an extraordinary narrative poem; filled with elements of human existence. The parallels to human existence exemplified in The Epic of Gilgamesh centers on the role of women and their influence on the transformation of Gilgamesh, the most powerful king of Uruk. The most important role of women in ancient Mesopotamia was to bear children, particularly sons, to secure the male line…show more content…
The revelation that he must obtain eternal life prompts him to undertake a journey to find out how to escape death. He endured great challenges in search of Utnapishtim; the only person granted eternal life by the gods. During this journey, Gilgamesh met Siduri. She is a barmaid working at a tavern on the river front. Frighten by his retched appearance, she refuses him entry into the tavern. He explains who he is and asks her to direct him to Utnapishtim, who can help him with his quest for eternal life. She informs him that all humans must die and that only gods can be immortal (Pincher). She reveals the dangers that he will encounter crossing the “Waters of Death,” but points him in the right direction. Again women are guiding the thoughts of man with their wisdom and

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