Role Of Courage In American Culture

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When I was little, I was naive and thought that only superheroes could be courageous and beat villains. Everyone has the ability to be courageous and face their own obstacles. Some may get a positive outcome and some may get a negative one. What makes one courageous? It’s being able to have the guts to face challenges and difficulty where one would usually fear to be against. In ancient Greek mythology, there were many different values communicated through the stories. Courage was one of the important value for ancient Greeks because it helped encourage them to take risks and was passed down through mythology. This was also strongly valued in our American culture as well shown in the news, movies, and books. To begin with, ancient Greek mythology…show more content…
From my research online, courage was considered a military virtue to them. The soldiers were believed to be the most courageous because of them fighting for their home and also protecting the people. Not to mention, courage was also just a good quality to have. Since ancient Greeks weren’t as developed as we are now, they didn’t know much about the world. This is why, it was important to be able to face anything unknown and scary rather than hiding in a corner. They wanted courage to be the general response to dangers. For example, in an online article it was said that the Spartan men were actually forced by pain and harsh training to be courageous. Contrary to that, their rivals, the Athenians, liked to say their courageousness came naturally. They thought it was the key for battles, self image and…show more content…
If courage didn't exist, nothing would've been discovered and we wouldn’t be so developed right now. The twenty first century shows many good examples of courage that is easily accessible, like the internet. Our current culture taught me to come out of my little bubble and talk to new people at school. It helped encourage me meet new people and build relationships. I learned from Greek mythology that being courageous can have some consequences even though it may seem like its always a good thing to be. There is a big difference between being confident and brave and being arrogant and cocky. I feel as though that people always seem to pay attention to the bad things when there are so many courageous acts in the world. Although many acts can be seen as arrogant, just as many can be seen as
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