Arguments Against Interracial Adoption

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Adoption touches every heart upon the American society and culture. Adoption is one of the most controversial issues in the United States. One of the most contentious topics that will affect all member such as the birth parents, adoptees and adoptive parents by opening the adoption records to the adoptees. This issue is debate because you have those who favor interracial adoption state that the children are receiving a home that they would otherwise not get and those who oppose transracial adoption state that the children are deprived from their heritage. Interracial adoption is a child that is of a different race than that of the adoptive parents. While some adoptive families wish to adopt a child of the same racial background, while others…show more content…
Raising a child of different race can be challenge on a family, especially a family with no experience of the child background. It can be challenge because the family cannot be the child’s color and part of their cultural heritage. Many families get discourage because as adoptive parents, they want to raise the children perfectly like if their own but something’s don’t go as plan. When adopting a child of different race comes responsibility such as interacting with people of your child’s race, finding the same race mentors and role models for your child, and providing special maintenance to hair and skin. Along with responsibility and challenge moments, there are changes within the family. Changes that will support the children cultural such as tradition. Families have to change some of their tradition to fit their combination of cultures. Families who are willing to get out of their comfort zone to make sure the adoptive child has a family and love, truly deserve it. The adoptive parents deserve it because it takes courage to do all this. Adopting a child from different race, takes effort and make adoptive parent skills harder. Making those experiences and field count more than anything. The parents took their time to learn about their children cultural and most of all and there child. Few adoptive parents adopt children because they couldn’t have children of their own.…show more content…
No, it shouldn’t be that way. 1 out of every 5 adoptions in the United States that is privately initiated and funded will be an interracial adoption. From statistics, it can be seen that there are many children who are waiting to be adopted. Those children have to wait until the Caucasians Most adoptions in the world today are seen as being African American child, to Caucasians families. From my research, Caucasians families are willing to adopt and they have larger percentage for adopting children. Why should skin color of children matter? Most families who adopt children. Adoption is beautiful thing, seeing a family who couldn’t have children but now have children because of adoption. Seeing joying on a child face, knowing that now they finally have a family who love. I strongly agree with interracial adoption. I feel as if anyone of any race can adopt a child but only if they see the child for who they are. When I think of adoption I think of a family ready for an adventure. The adventure can be what they always wanted and that’s a family. This is where its gets tricky, adoption can be very hurtful. At one point of time during the children life, its right for the adoptive parents to let the children know they are adoptive because eventually they will find out on their own. Many families tries to keep this secret but some secret aren’t meant to keep. . In the 1950s, most Americans,

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