Jackie Kennedy's Legacy

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As first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy made her first priorities to be a good wife to her husband and mother to her children, while becoming an international icon of style and having a deep sense of obligation to her country. In 1960, John F Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon and became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic to be elected as president of the United States. Jackie was the youngest first lady to enter the White House in years. She defined herself in traditional terms, as a mother, wife and hostess, yet she also made it clear that she felt a responsibility to the public as First Lady, which led her to accomplish great projects. With her gracious personal style and her passion for history and the arts, Jackie Kennedy worked hard…show more content…
Millions watched the program. Jackie further guaranteed the historical legacy of the White House with the creation of the federal position of White House Curator to permanently continue the effort of protecting the historical integrity of the mansion. She also guaranteed the historical legacy through her support of legislation that encouraged donations of furnishings, artwork, and furniture, and forbade Presidents from giving away these items as gifts. The Kennedys brought a new, youthful spirit to the White House, which they believed should be a place to celebrate American history, culture, and achievement. As first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy used the White House to showcase the arts. She planned important dinners and events featuring artists, writers, scientists, poets, and musicians. Jacqueline Kennedy changed the role of First Lady so that her successors felt the role now had new responsibilities they should fulfill. Typically an especially popular First Lady, such as Jackie Kennedy, tends to serve as the point of reference for the generations to follow. In carrying out this effort, Jackie established the modern concept of a First Lady’s “project,” or area of concern. First Ladies before her had done this, however, it became as established an expected part of the role in the 1960s and since then, each First Lady has fulfilled this…show more content…
Kennedy were in Dallas, Texas. As their car drove slowly past cheering crowds, shots rang out. President Kennedy was killed and Jacqueline Kennedy became a widow at age 34. Her strength and resolve were evident when, in her blood-spattered coat, she stood next to Lyndon Baines Johnson at his swearing-in, when she took her place in President Kennedy's funeral processional, and as she helped the nation grieve. Perhaps no other public role she played, however, would come to serve the nation more than as the widow of the assassinated President. She masterfully orchestrated his entire public funeral, as it was broadcasted around the world. Despite her shock and grief, she conveyed graceful gestures that displayed courage and dignity. The visual impact of her conduct was praised around the world influencing millions of people to process the grief by her

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