Rodeo Research Paper

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A calf takes off at full speed with a horse right on its tail. The cowboy throws his rope and pulls the slack. The cowboy dismounts his horse and runs toward the calf, which is being turned around from the pressure of the rope around its neck. The cowboy flanks the calf onto its side and ties three legs together. He throws his hands up signaling the time to stop. The announcer cheers. “Six point five seconds! A new record here at the NFR arena. Congratulations, Mr. Cody Ohl!” That was a day that all cowboys will remember, and a record all calf ropers strive to beat. Calf roping hasn’t always been like that and rodeo wasn't the same as it is today. Over the last six decades rodeo has been affected by World War I, World War II, and animal welfare groups. World War I changed the world, but it also affected the sport of rodeo in many ways. For instance Camp Lewis, a World War I U.S. Army camp that operated as a remount station that prepared horses and mules for service in France, held wartime rodeos…show more content…
Rodeo was a sport that only young men participated in, so they were eligible for the draft. In 1941, almost 28% of the regularly scheduled rodeos had been canceled (Fredrikson). In 1942, the “RAA bulletin” created a list of the annual events that would not be held (Fredrikson). The CTA started to allowed local, unpermitted contestants to enter rodeos during the war. This lead to increased memberships. It also increased interest and attendance to rodeos. Cowboys have always had an image of bravery, individualism, patriotism, and tradition, so it made sense that rodeo became a morale builder over the first year of the war, even though some didn’t agree. “President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared that baseball should continue as a moral builder. Following suit in the West, many people felt that they owed it to the cowboys serving their country to keep rodeo alive

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