Greed: A Short Story

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Aaron's eyes stayed shut tight. He gave up trying to speak after he realized every one of his words were muffled by the rag. Greed's breath haunted Aaron, it's a scent that will forever haunt him. Greed suddenly sat back up to his previous position. Aaron felt his hands let go of his hips, but not even a moment of curiosity had time to make him wonder why before the sound of a zipper made his ears lift in fear. The only noise, besides squeaking of the bed, were sobs trying to escape from the rag and tears already streaming down Aaron's face. This torture seemed to go on forever, even though reality would say otherwise. After Greed was finished with him, Aaron collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily and still crying. “You're so gorgeous,…show more content…
Humming what sounded like a ring-around-the-rosy, Greed pulled out a syringe, and pulled the cover off the needle. Aaron opened an eye and started shaking his head quickly, crying. He tried to plead for Greed to stop, but it just sounded like muffled screaming behind the rag. The needle was placed deeply into Aaron's skin, he flinched. He was screaming into the rag. He injected the fluid and Aaron starts feeling it almost immediately. Aaron began to feel warm again, and he doesn't feel so tense. His body loosened, and Aaron felt good, he no longer felt any pain. Greed smiled, as he heard mumbling coming from the rag. So, he decided to take a moment and pull the rag, then tossing it to the ground. Aaron no longer felt like screaming anymore…show more content…
He watched a pair of bright headlights coming towards the motel. The car turned into the parking lot causing Aaron to jolt up and around the corner of the entrance, masking himself in shadow. The car stopped and people began climbing out of it. Aaron peeked around the corner, and the sight he saw made his heart skip a beat. Aaron, Ken'ichi, Kara, Adare, and Levi were all walking towards the motel's entrance. He watched the teens walk through the doors. A hand reached around Aaron's face and over his mouth. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to scream but couldn't, he squeezed his eyes as he waited for his impending doom. He was pulled back against a body. A taller body, which made Aaron even more nervous. Did Greed wake up? The figure behind leans down and places his lips next to Aaron's ears. “What are you doing out here?” The figure asked. Aaron shuck his head, trying to answer the man. Even though his hand still covered Aaron's mouth. He let go of the young man. Aaron whipped around and faced the unknown figure. It was Lucifer. Strangely enough, Aaron was a bit
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