Risk Management In Banking Sector Case Study

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An exploratory study on “Risk Management in Banking Sector” Synopsis PhD in Management Submitted By MOHAMMAD NAZIM Enrolment Number: 2016 / 9543 Supervised By DR. PRIYANKA VIJAY Faculty of Management Studies Banasthali University– India INTRODUCTION: The Risk Management in banking sector is very important, it is necessary to increase the efficiency in running of these banks as such procedures are very valuable to increase the corporate governance in a financial institution. In times of economic volatility and fluctuations in financial market, the financial institutions such as banks need to prove their responsibility by supporting the market variations and achieve sustainability in terms of growth and share value. Therefore, the…show more content…
The recession in U.S in 2007 and still going on also highlighted the need of risk management in banking sector. The various aspects of increasing global competition to Indian banks by foreign banks through introduction of innovative products, deregulation, technology and services provided has forced Indian banks to implement the system of risk management. Indian banks are trying to have advancement in terms of technology, diversity, innovation in products and services. However, such advancements are also attracting to risk factor in time of globalization and Liberalization. In financial institutions and banks, risk plays a vital role in earnings. Sometime the higher the risk the higher the return, but we have to maintain a balance in risk and return, thus a professional and effective method as defined by Basel ll becomes an essential requirement of banks, In an effective risk management, the capital base is safe. Types of Risk in Banking…show more content…
For this issue, the survey has been made. What motivated and inspired me to carry out this Research?. I have been working in the area of Management and also having good understanding and interest in Finance and Banking Sector particularly in Risk Management. This topic of research is relevant to my work, experience and knowledge and more important is that this topic is selected based on my special interest in “Risk Management in Banking Sector” in view of current scenario of banking system. The reason for conducting this survey The reason for conducting the survey is to know the status about implantation of Basel ll guidelines and how these guidelines are perceived in terms of priority, urgency and interests within the banks, the aim is to provide a view on key issues and a report on compliance, finally the recommendation on opportunities offered on risk management process. The problem of Study Basel ll norms are the guidelines for implantation to avoid the conflict in practices and procedures and finally to reduce the

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