Essay On Rice Mechanization

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The most important problems faced by the Kole farmers with respect to rice mechanization are the unavailability of agro machineries in time, the increased rent of the machineries and absence of service facilities, and skilled work force for the specific farm machineries. The Kole farmers’ perceptions about the multidimensional implications of rice mechanization are given as below. Social, economic and environmental impacts Table 3 shows the perceptions of farmers on social, economic and environmental impacts of agriculture mechanization. Table 3 Perceptions of farmers on social, economic and environmental impacts No Statement % of farmers agreed % of farmers disagreed % of farmers who didn’t know 1. Mechanization reduced cost of production. 100 2. Mechanization solved the problem of labor shortage. 100 3. Mechanization increased the profit. 100 4. Mechanization saved time and money. 100 5. Mechanization improved…show more content…
Apart from reducing the drudgery in farming operations, mechanization helps in effective utilization of inputs leading to increased productivity and profit. Krishnankutty (2013) had suggested that effective mechanization in the Kole lands would help to remove uncertainties in the rice production situation of this agro ecosystem. This study exposed the perceptions of the Kole farmers on the impacts of rice mechanization on different levels - social, economical, environmental, and those related to gender, skill and resource utilization. All farmers had expressed positive perceptions on rice mechanization, though they strongly suggested having a system that would ensure timely availability of agro machineries at reasonable rents, facilities for repair cum servicing and, training to create more skilled personnel to use farm

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