Rhetorical Analysis

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As society evolves we develop new tools that aid our performance of everyday tasks. However, are these “improvements” actually necessary or are they only desired? In the role of the consumer we are persuaded by market capitalism into purchasing the newest item, promising we will be a “better and happier” person for it. When in reality we are conforming to capitalist society and the pressure to constantly consume. In Karl Marx’s theory of fetishism of commodities, Marxs signified these consumed objects as commodities. These commodities are produced to satisfy our needs of survival and its function is described as the commodity’s use value. Through the greed of capitalism this process is altered, instead of objects being developed for personal…show more content…
Nike advertisements of actual athletes sharing their stories of success and knowledge of self-discipline and determination cover the walls of the store. Motivating slogans such as “Yesterday you said tomorrow.” and “Greatness is earned, never awarded.” characterize images of athletes bent over, drenched in sweat training for the love of their sport. Implying that by wearing Nike you too can be like your favourite athlete and fulfill your athletic potential for greatness. However, what is the difference between wearing $180 Nike apparel compared to $20 Sketcher apparel? Both brands providing comfortable, efficient sportswear, yet the Nike brand is preferred. Through celebrity endorsements Nike has become one of the leading sports brands throughout the world. By the placement of the Nike “Swoosh” the clothing value increases, Theodore Adorno stated a valid point when he said “consumer culture engages us in a false consciousness of worshipping the price we pay rather than the actual utility of the product.” He referred to it as the “real secret of success,” consumers pay more for a commodity to present themselves as being of a higher status, suggesting our consumption defines how we see social class. As a society we base our perception of one’s wealth on their consumed goods, such as the clothes they wear and the cars they drive. Therefore, manipulating the brands and products consumers

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