Rhetoric Techniques

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The rhetorical tactics in Alexander Hammid and Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon and Wong Kar-Wai’s In the Mood for Love are both strongly used of repetition and symbolism. These two techniques work together to provide more persuasive and obvious messages of the films. Symbolism is a technique of metaphor providing the real meaning by using something unrelated. The usages of repetition are necessary for both films because they are able to attract the audience’s attention to the certain elements within the particular, significant scenes or events. Symbolism and repetition are able to convey the main points with the films, and they even give stimulation to the audiences to have more rooms to imagine and connect the scenarios. Meshes of the…show more content…
Both these two films also have strong symbolism to make the audiences to think deeply to connect the scenarios. In Meshes of the Afternoon, cycles of the scene gives a complex psychological aspect of the character. In other words, the repetition provides a strong sense of spatial dislocation and psychological disturbance. Each repeating action or theatrical property has its own meaning. In the scene, the flower symbolizes a modified and disguised penis. For instance, the character put the flower on her legs close to her genital, which creates a sense of sex. The key can either open or lock the door, which is associated with holding powers of imprisonment and releasing those who have had contact with. At the beginning of the film, the woman first picks up a flower from the ground that is left by a mysterious man in a hurry. Then, she returns to her house and takes out the key to open the door. However, the key suddenly falls off the stairs, which shows that a woman gets lost in a man’s lure. Moreover, the symbol of an intent knife clearly shows how the woman wants to destroy her desire. Therefore, when the woman picks up the knife and broke the mirror weirdo’s face, she is trying to defense. The symbol of a mirror weirdo is a representative of a male. The mirror is alluding to the character herself that provides a chance to experience her own mirror stage and

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