Rhetoric Analysis

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Aysha Rathor Professor Thomas English 112 How has rhetoric affected our educational system? Rhetoric is “ordinary language done extraordinarily” (Hart & Daughton 8). Rhetoric is defined to be virtual study of reading and writing and is garmented to have a persuasive effect on the audience. Rhetoric doesn’t deceive its audience but rather gives them a choices to explore different perspectives. Rhetoric has been around since the ancient Greek and Roman times but the definition has changed over times. In the ancient time rhetoric was taught by sophists; sophist were thought to be people who would manipulate the truth to gain financial success. During the Ancient time sophist had such a derogatory meaning that Socrates was killed with the charges of sophist by Athenians. Even Plato and Aristotle despised sophists for relying on audience’s emotion to persuade their disregard truth. Despite all the criticism sophist play a huge role in teaching and developing the study of rhetoric. Rhetoric was taught to those who wanted have a successful career in politics and it was a way to prepare them to have public speaking…show more content…
In one of his treatise The Art of Rhetoric he defines it as “the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.” Aristotle established the need for rhetorical knowledge with three main persuasions logos, ethos, and pathos. Aristotle’s work (Art of Rhetoric) had a tremendous influence on the study of rhetoric during the 18th and 19th century. Rhetoric took time to develop in Ancient Rome but slowly flourished by the Greek influence. The famous Roman rhetorician emphasized on the importance of liberal education he belived that a man needed knowledge in art, literature, politics history law, and by being educated liberally a man would be able to connect with his

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