Research Paper: What Does It Mean To Be An American?

557 Words3 Pages
In 1492 Columbus discovered the new world and called it was named “ the Americas.” Many colonies in the Americas started to rebel later in time until Europe was gone completely from the western Hemisphere. Many people in the United States consider themselves as American, but what does ti mean to be an American? To be an American means the people must have at least one ethnic background that is not from the Americas, they have to do and like things from different cultures, and they need to be born in the United states. If someone considers themselves American they must have at least one ethnic background that isn’t from the western hemisphere. This is because the people who lived in the Americas before the Europeans came never called it the Americas. Since the United States was founded by immigrants there aren’t any real natives to America, so the so called Native Americans aren’t really American. Every where else…show more content…
The person has to perform actions done in different cultures or like things in different cultures. If someone wants to be American they have to accept all cultures, not just their own. They must do things that are considered polite in the United States, like shaking someones hand and saying good morning. If someone does something only in their culture they are not considered American. They aren’t considered American because Americans are open to doing things in different cultures. Since so many people from around the world immigrated to the United States, America developed its own culture. Also people have to perform actions that are considered to be in the American culture to be an American. This includes speaking English and writing in English. English is the main language in the United States and if people want to communicate with others in the United States they need to speak it, so speaking it in the United states is considered
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