Milk Curdling Experiment Lab Report

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The purpose of this lab was to examine how curdling agents can affect the amount and speed that cheese is created. I hypothesized that using the curdling agent chymosin would supply us with the most cheese in the shortest amount of time. THe data that I collected showed that with 250μl of chymosin, the milk curdled in about 13 minutes, and ultimately produced 5.55 mL of curds. When compared with other classmates who used chymosin, the average time to curdle was 11 minutes, and the average volume was 5.7875mL. For rennin, it took 89 minutes and produced 5.59 mL of curds. With buttermilk, 670 minutes, and 6.77 mL, and milk: 1,245 minutes, and 4.67 mL. Although I guessed correctly in thinking chymosin would be the fastest to curdle, I was proven wrong in terms of volume of curds, which was the most in buttermilk (with an average of 6.77 mL of curds), rather than my guess, chymosin.…show more content…
This procedure might have caused some issues with our data, such as the time - especially with agents such as chymosin, which curdled within the first 15 minutes. Our cheese most likely curdled between the 5 minute intervals, which could lead to the class having invalid data. To avoid this in the future, students could check every 2 minutes as opposed to 5. Another factor that may have contributed to invalid data was the location of each student's tube. Many had to bring their test tube home with them depending on what curdling agent they had - only the student’s with chymosin finished with the curdling within the first 15 minutes. Because of this, test tubes could have been left in hot backpacks or out in the sun, which would speed up the curdling process. This situation could be fixed by letting the students know a responsible place to put their test

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