Research Paper On The Harlem Renaissance

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The Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was a movement that spanned through the 1920s that stimulated new black culture identity. It was a time when blacks could express themselves however they liked. The center of the movement included Jean Toomer, Langston Hughes, Rudolf Fisher, Wallace Thurman, Jessie Redmon Fauset, Nella Larsen, Arna Bontemps, Countee Cullen, and Zora Neale Hurston. Then the older generation of writers and intellectuals, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Alain Locke, and Charles S. Johnson, all served as advisors. African Americans were encouraged to celebrate their heritage and to become "The New Negro," a term sparked in 1925 by sociologist and critic Alain LeRoy Locke in his book with the same name. The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues,…show more content…
In 1926, Hughes's professional life took off. Knopf published his first book, a poetry collection entitled The Weary Blues. Hughes launched a literary magazine entitled Fire!! A Quarterly Devoted to the Younger Negro. Among the many literary journals circulating Harlem at the time, Fire!! Was an important (albeit short-lived) outlet for emerging black writers' work. He also published a groundbreaking essay called "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain." The essay outlined his philosophy on art and what he saw as the quintessential problem facing black artists. Another influential figure of the Harlem Renaissance was Countee Cullen. He was recognized as an award-winning poet by his high school years. He published his volume of poetry, Color, in 1925, which would be followed by Copper Sun and The Ballad of the Brown Girl. He also worked in a variety of literary forms, having penned the satirical novel One Way to Heaven (1932). And in 1935, he became the first African-American writer in the 20th century to translate and publish Euripides' classical work Medea. While Zora Neale Hurston was living in Harlem in the 1920s, she befriended Langston Hughes and Countee

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