Harlem Renaissance Research Paper

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The Harlem Renaissance was a new awakening of Black cultural awareness that began in 1920 and spanned for two decades from the war through the Great Depression. It was the first systematic movement where Black American artists, musicians, writers, and intellectuals came together to address the complex social issues dealing with race and discrimination. The Harlem Renaissance serves as a keystone in African American history because it brought blacks together helping establish African American acceptance into mainstream America, it allowed African Americans to embrace their racial identity and appreciate their African heritage, and it inspired a cultural renewal for future generations of African Americans. Towards the end of the Civil War, the economic depression motivated many African Americans to migrate from the south to the Northern states. Blacks were dissatisfied with economic conditions of the south as well as the…show more content…
His writings ranged from poems to plays to novels. His works often reflected the conditions of His poem entitled “Democracy” spoke of his feelings on how Blacks needs to rise up and make a stand for change. He advocated for social change through his writings and believed that Black culture should be celebrated and considered just as valuable as white culture. This group of artists and intellectuals along with other black political leaders who advocated for change during of the Harlem Renaissance had an increased sense of racial identity. Blacks were proud of their heritage, and the vast majority of had criticized the racial oppression. These African Americans were referred to as the "New Negros". Alain Locke coined the term “New Negro”, a philosophy professor who had degrees from Harvard and Oxford, and had also studied in Berlin. Locke would later be called the “father of the Harlem

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