Racial Disparity In Sentencing

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Sentencing is the beginning of the correctional process, the sentencing process over the years has leads to disparity and discrimination in sentencing. The issue of racial disparity in sentencing is explored more fully in the Evidence-Based Corrections feature (Siegel, L. (2014).The courts sentencing types and length can be said is created by some legislative body, and the operation usually placed in the hands of a several actors, within the court system, for making weighty decisions and authorizing criminal punishment (Siegel, L. (2014). The operation of actors in the court system is as noted below: (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). The Prosecutor: A practicing attorney, or legal representative of the prosecution who is more than responsible…show more content…
Sentences are also given by judges (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Probation staff: Is one or more people employees to conduct an investigation prior sentencing taking place in felony cases (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Different methods sentencing play an important role the court routine which follows a criminal defendant being convicted of or pleading guilty (Siegel, L. (2014). The judge will decide on the punishment during the sentencing that is appropriate for the crime. Sentencing for criminal offenses can range from probation and community service to prison and even the death penalty. Note the different sentencing methods as indicated below: (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Imposing the sentence: This model is more than is usually appointed by the judge, but may also be performed by a jury or may have the authority to carry out a policy such as mandatory prison sentences for certain crimes (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Concurrent sentence: This method can mean that a number of sentences begin on the same day and are completed when the extended term has been served (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C.…show more content…
and Bartollas, C. 2014). Indeterminate sentence: This model of sentencing permits flexibility both in types of sentencing and the length of time to serve. This model of sentencing is types of sentences that permits early release from a correctional institution after the offender has served a required minimum portion of his or her sentences that are appropriate (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Determinate sentences: This model sentence of confinement is for a specific or fixed term of years, the maximum set in law by the legislature. This model of sentencing is determined at the time the sentence is enacted (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C. 2014). Presumptive sentencing a form of sentencing determination in which the legislature sets the penalties for criminal acts based on the type of the crime and also on the offender's history prior convictions (Siegel, L. and Bartollas, C.

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