Qualitative Analysis In Railway Industry

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Whereas qualitative methodology as per Punch (2013) has opened a multidisciplinary space that invites professionals of diverse disciplines (sociologists, anthropologists, physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, public relations, etc.) so far from being a drawback brings a great wealth in the production. However, as per Maxwell (2012) it also causes a number of perverse, such as the great variability in how to tackle the effects analysis: imprecision and confusion of concepts, multiplicity of methods, description interpretation, risk of speculation, among others, to the point that today could not speak of qualitative analysis, but rather qualitative analysis. 33 Research Design By the very nature of the aims of this research, it…show more content…
Building Information Model) that is used to construct projects and help the business grow if they have their own Intellectual property rights. Therefore, in scenarios like the one considered for this research it was suitable to use information mentioned in the cases discussed in different research studies especially the ones related to Railway industry. Besides, this study has reviewed various case laws as case studies in order to understand the implication of IPR on rail industry on UK from purely legalistic point of view. Progress Rail Service case is reviewed in this study which is subsidiary of Caterpillar. The case law analysis looked into Intellectual Property Rights of Rail products or services within an organisation. It will also analyse how ownership of products and services will help in growing their business. The case studies analysis focused to highlight the problems taking place between suppliers such as the rail manufacturers IPR against the…show more content…
There are several reasons behind this choice, but the main reason is that researcher wanted to save time and resource that was required to separately conduct individual interview, secondly the focus group interview enabled researcher to simultaneously compare the perspective of various stakeholder in rail industry of UK. Morgan (1997) defines focal groups as a qualitative research technique, derived from group interviews, which collects information through group interactions. According to Seidman (2012), the focus group is a form of interviews with groups, based on communication and interaction. Its main objective is to gather detailed information on a particular topic (suggested by a researcher, coordinator and moderator of the group) from a group of selected participants. It seeks to collect information that can provide an understanding of perceptions, beliefs and attitudes on a topic, product or service. The focus group interview differs from individual interview be based on the interaction between people to obtain the necessary data for research. Its formation obeys the criteria previously determined by the researcher, according to the objectives of the investigation, leaving this to create a favourable environment for discussion that would encourage participants to express their perceptions and views (Seidman,

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