Punishment In The Elizabethan Era

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Over the year’s different cities, towns, and countries have figured out their own punishment that works best for the crimes committed in that area. Each era has evolved the form of punishment for a particular crime from the previous era. The courts of the time decided which punishment the criminal should receive based on the crime they committed, but a punishment was never the same for an individual who committed the same crime. During the period of Queen Elizabeth I, punishment for a crime for an individual was often influenced by their social class. Each social class had different punishments for a variety of crimes. Crimes were either classified as misdemeanors or capital offenses. In the era of Queen Elizabeth I, punishment for crimes were extremely severe but were effective. During the 1500s in England, social class played a significant role in government and the law. Certain privileges were given to the upper class or nobles because they were wealthy. Unlike the nobles, the lower class or commoners struggled to survive. In some instances…show more content…
Torture was used to gain information or confessions from people of both classes. Since this was a time of violent war fare with some attitudes of blood thirsty ambitions, torture chambers and dungeons were built into castles to allow for torture to take place (Briggs 75). Some forms of torture consisted of the iron chair, head crusher, and the breaking wheel just to name a few. These methods would crush body parts, drive nails into the body, and break limbs. The torturer would draw out the pain until the criminal died. The laws at this time did not impose limits on any method of punishment for the treatment of prisoners, so any form of torture chosen was considered legal especially if information was obtained. The goal of torture was to inflict unbearable agony on a victim and to send a message to others that might consider committing the same

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