Laws In The Elizabethan Era

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A world with no laws is a world filled with chaos, anarchy, and turmoil. These laws that people have to abide by everyday are what keep societies safe and in order. Even the ancestors of people who live were under the constraints of laws. Most modern and past civilizations depend on laws because without them their nations would be in ruins. Most places use laws to control conduct, but some even put restrictions on everyday ideas like clothing, religion, and marriage. During the Elizabethan time period, there had to be many laws to control the citizens. To this day same countries, like America, still have laws with the same basic structure as the Elizabethan times’, but over time, laws have also dramatically changed. Ever since laws were established,…show more content…
This makes laws on clothes different now from what they used to be. Today there are not many rules on what Americans can or can’t wear; the only official laws on clothing states that public nudity is not allowed. Besides that Americans are free to wear whatever they’d like. This is very different from the normal clothing in Elizabethan England. At one point in time, the queen felt like her subjects were spending too much money on foreign clothes. She also thought that making people wear clothes that would distinguish the status of a person was a good idea. To fix this, Queen Elizabeth did what she thought was going to fix her problems: set of oppressive law on clothing. According to the queen everyone had to wear clothes that match their social class. This meant that if you were poor, you had to wear the clothes you wear assigned; same thing for the rich. For example, most of the rich population was supposed to be wearing “specific types of embroidered silks, 'tinseled' satins, furs or 'purpures' - a type of purple or crimson robe” ("Elizabethan Dress Codes"). When looking back on the two different sets of laws, people can see how much clothes affected the government, but now they don’t really concern the…show more content…
In the United States, it is a law that everyone is given religious freedom. “Amendments to state constitutions that support this fundamental concept were adopted and continue to be enforced as a way to protect the religious freedom of all citizens” ("Religious Protection Laws in the United States"). This means that a person can be any religion and the law protects them. In the Elizabethan era, religion was a big deal. People of all religions were not protected by the law. For example, at one point the Jewish had to pretend to be Christians in order to stop being harassed by their neighbors and fellow citizens. Today, this is a crime and the harassers would be punished by the government. Any many times curtain religions would try to take over the government so they can be in control. To control the government they would have to manipulate laws. Today the only law that is permitted to be under affect that has anything to do with religion is the laws permitting religious freedom. Another way religion was affecting laws and government was through punishment. When a citizen committed adultery, they would be punished through the church even if they were not religious. The church would make the adulterer stand in front of the whole town and say what they did. This embarrassing punishment is not allowed today in the law system. As religion and our laws grow, they change like our religious laws today and in the
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