What Makes Candide A Perfect Utopia

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In Voltaire’s “Candide”, Candide is much concerned with the notion of the ideal society, of an imaginary place where “all is well”. The society of is described as an ultimate utopia, and therefore, ideal. Candide, an innocent, naive, character, is blinded by the isolation and nobility of Westphalia, and therefore believes it to be paradise on earth. However, his worldly experience and awareness in traveling throughout the world proves that in his search for something more than wealth and fame, such a perfect utopia is in fact, non-existent. Candide begins the novel as an innocent and gullible, yet determined character. He is completely isolated in the land of Westphalia, where his knowledge and education consists only of what Pangloss has taught him. His rejection out of the castle marks his first real experience with the outside world. He approaches the world with the notion that Pangloss has taught him, that “all is for the…show more content…
Catholic officials burn those who are free thinkers, and obtain sexual acts from women in the land, and Candide is treated namely as such. He is drafted into the army of the Bulgar king, and abused, as these powerful institutions seem to do no good to the people of the land. In Voltaire’s english government, citizens were prosecuted for fighting with insufficient reasoning with the French. However, the characters in Candide, after hearing of the political murders of Turkish officials, take the old farmer's advice and ignore these injustices, instead putting their focus onto parts of their life that bring them happiness. Through this writing, Voltaire demonstrates the truth of the existence of torture and religious oppression, and that there can truly be no perfect country or utopia. He encourages the positivity and happiness that the characters in his novel feel, despite the oppression and torture that is happening in their daily

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