Othello's Evil Research Paper

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The Embodiment of Evil Evilness is a beastly quality which manifests itself in all human beings. In the play Othello by William Shakespeare, one person’s evil tendencies brings forth the destruction of all those around him. Iago displays evilness because he possesses no true motive for hurting Othello and he manipulates others’ weaknesses to accomplish his own goals. Also, his vile demeanor contributes to Othello’s undoing. Iago’s evil nature causes him to feel the desire to bring devastation to other people’s lives. Despite offering many motives for his actions, Iago is a malicious character because he hurts others merely for the pleasure of causing pain. To begin, Iago claims his reason for hating Othello is that Othello fails to promote…show more content…
But he,... Non-suits my mediators” (Shakespeare I. i. 8-9,11,16). Iago only provides a reason to detest Othello because he wants Roderigo to trust that they are ultimately working towards the same goal, which is the downfall of Othello. Iago does not work towards gaining a title for himself, rather he finds satisfaction in Othello losing his title and everything that is dear to him. Moreover, Iago declares that he further hates Othello because of a rumoured affair between his wife, Emilia, and Othello. Iago’s villainous character is illustrated when he says, “I hate the Moor,/ And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets/ He’s done my office: I know not if't be true/ Yet I, for mere suspicion in that kind,/ Will do as if for surety” (I. iii. 377-381). Iago is grasping at straws by believing what he hears without concrete proof, in order to…show more content…
Firstly, Iago needs to eliminate Cassio and to do this, he manipulates Roderigo by using his weakness to convince him of the plan he has set out. As Iago tries to convince Roderigo to carry out Cassio’s murder, he says, “O no, he goes into Mauritania and takes away with him the fair Desdemona, unless his abode be lingered here by some accident; wherein none can be so determinate as the removing of Cassio” (IV. ii. 221-224). Knowing Roderigo’s extreme love for Desdemonda allows Iago to easily manipulate this emotion and convince him to kill Cassio. Iago abuses Roderigo’s all-consuming love for Desdemona because he knows Roderigo will go to great lengths to earn Desdemona’s love. Not to mention, Iago manipulates Roderigo by pretending like Cassio’s death will be beneficial for both of them, when in fact Iago prefers they both die. In fact, Iago is relying on Roderigo and Cassio killing each other, to eliminate any possibility of exposure. This also shows how carefully crafted Iago’s schemes are because he uses people as his pawns without incriminating himself. Furthermore, Iago’s manipulation prompts Othello to alter his view about himself. While convincing Othello of Desdemona’s disloyalty, Iago says, “...Not to affect many proposed matches/ Of her own clime, complexion, and degree,/ Whereto we see in all things nature

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