Pros And Cons Of The Transtheoretical Model

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The Transtheoretical model was created in the 1983, and is used for changing behaviors. It has helped many people develop successful interventions which then promote a healthy behavior change. It uses five/six stages of change, pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and if the behavior is truly changed, termination. There also ten cognitive and behavioral variables, known as the processes of change that are sometimes also included. In the precontemplation stage (not ready), people do not intend to take action in the future, usually within the next 6 months. During this stage, which was just a few months ago had me feeling lost. I had multiple attempts of change when it came to communication and also the way I am but, didn’t really know where to start. They say during this stage we are resistant, unmotivated, or unready for help. A lot of the times, especially if you seek for help, you cannot receive it because you have not thought about what you want to change. Like I’ve said before one my of my big points were communication and I became committed later on to actually make a change about it. For the contemplation stage (getting ready), they say this stage is when people actual intend to make a change in what they have chosen. They become fully aware of the pros of the change and as well…show more content…
So far, when someone is aggravating me, I try my hardest not to blow up or have a rude tone in my voice. They say “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.” This is where self-awareness comes into play. I have to constantly watch what I am going to say and how I’m going to say it. Everyone portrays things differently but if you actually communicated it in a well manner that everyone else understood but them, then that’s okay. It just shows that they need to work on their perception skills and that I am not at

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