Wildest Dreams Short Story

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Wildest Dreams Tris was born in Abnegation, Parent's named her Beatrice, she preferred Tris more. Her fraction hated Erudite, Hate then became mutual, Yet Erudite had big plans. Very soon came aptitude day. Her tester said that Tris was a Divergent. But then, her brother Caleb, had shown them, he was different too. Caleb picked Erudite, Tris had picked Dauntless, Mom and Dad became so sad. Their kids betrayed their land, Erudite spread rumors saying Abnegation was Very bad, Bad, Spreading lies, lies. Tris found out initiates were ranked, The lowest rankers will become the fraction-less. Her very first fight was an epic fail, Took a blow from Peter, And ended in the hospital. Then she began persevering, She threw knives and had perfect…show more content…
For instance, in the beginning of the story we saw her afraid of trying new things that she wasn't used to. “The idea of reaping out of a moving train onto a rooftop, knowing there is a gap between the edge of the roof and the edge of the track, makes me want to throw up.”(page 53). In these passage we see her resistant to trying new things, and apprehensive. Yet, on page 221-222 we see her enjoying the thrill of experimentation. “I should scream, like any rational human being would, but when I open my mouth again, I just crow with joy.”(Roth 222) This change from reclusive to open-minded was a crucial change for Tris; because of her willingness to trying new things, she was able to succeed during her hero journey. “Ooh. Scandalous! A Stiff's flashing some skin!”On page 56, we see how Tris is viewed based on her fraction of origin. By being brought-up in Abnegation, “showing skin” was something uncalled for. Tris was aware how people viewed her based on her “home fraction”, she felt so embarrassed that her cheeks heated up, and she let her sleeve down, just because she was looking at a bruise. Yet, on page 246 she didn't feel embarrassed in showing some skill, all her Abnegation perspective of things had changed. We saw that she had more than one tattoos and found herself enjoying makeovers and tattoos, she wasn't afraid of what…show more content…
Situations ranging from PDA to fighting with others were actions that she was not used to, yet at the end of this novel, we saw her kissing Tobias in front of everybody and saw her shooting Peter just to prove a point. These actions reflect on the changes that she had throughout her quest. “My father calls the Dauntless “hellions.” They are pierced tattooed and black-clothed. Their primary purpose is to guard the fence that surrounds our city.” Here, her description of the Dauntless was very negative. She portrayed them as if their were aimless hooligans parading around a fence. But in on 224 she stood amount a crowd of Dauntless and “felt like one of them”. This change reflects on her upbringing from her fraction of origin. At the end the quest Tris is proud of identifying herself as a dauntless, before she would have agreed with her father that they are in fact “hellions”, but now she is able to speak her own mind. We saw her stand up to her father and Marcus and tell how she was still proud of Dauntless throughout the circumstances. Also, We saw Tris becoming able to speak her mind. .On page 25 we saw Tris uncomfortable with a fraction-less person, but she overlooked her discomfort and the right thing. This action is the opposite of what happened on page 300, it makes me wonder if Tris in the earlier chapters is a different person from Tris in the later chapters. “Al's eyes have shadows
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