Project Follow Through Analysis

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Project Follow Through: What We Should Have Learned Cathy Watkins (1997) reviewed the largest and most expensive experimental project in education that was funded by the U.S. federal government in her book titled Project Follow Through: Case Study of Contingencies Influencing Instructional Practices of the Educational Establishment. Acknowledging key areas that have an impact on education, in her case study, Watkins (1997) thoroughly reviewed Project Follow Through in the following components: history, design, evaluation, dissemination of findings, funding decisions, and educational establishment. Watkins did not hesitate to make her point of view clear to the reader. Viable solutions to the problem of teaching disadvantage children through…show more content…
17). There were 13 models evaluated in total that fell within three different model types. The three areas across which the models were assessed include the following: Basic Skills Models, Cognitive-Conceptual Models, and Affective-Cognitive models. The Basic Skills category included Direct Instruction, Behavior Analysis, The Language Development Approach, and the California Process Model. These educational models targeted reading arithmetic, spelling, and language (Watkins, 1997). The Cognitive-Conceptual category included Florida Parent Education, Tuscon Early Educational Model, Cognitively Oriented Curriculum, and the Individualized Early Learning Program. These educational models primarily targeted skills that promote problem solving (Watkins, 1997). The Affective-Cognitive category included Mathemagenic Activities Program, Responsive Education, Interdependent Learning, Bank Street, and Open Education (EDC). These educational models targeted the learner forming self-concept as well as perceptions involved with learning (Watkins,…show more content…
“Endless studies and reports call attention to important factors such as improving curricula, increasing teacher salaries, expanding the length of the school day and/or year, and a variety of other changes. Although some of these changes may be necessary, they will not be sufficient to produce the substantial academic improvement that is possible. The critical factor that has been historically ignored is instructional method. Our educational problems will not be solved until it is recognized that how well students learn is directly related to how well they are taught,” (Watkins,

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