Prohibition In The 1920's

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The purpose of a government is to enable people of their nation to live a safe and happy life. They exist to keep society well balanced and to ensure a stable environment. Their first duty is to protect their people, not run their lives, However during the 1920’s, throughout the 1930’s, the government did not solve problems, but subsided them. The way to hell is paved with good intentions. Prohibition, even if it had began with good intentions, was a sadly misplaced piece of tactical and strategic idiocy in history which caused and resulted in more problems than intended which could have been solved in better ways. Its intentions were to reduce criminal activity and alcohol consumption, however everything it was planned to achieve resulted…show more content…
The percentage of criminal activity increased by just one movement by the government, the prohibition.“Liquor prohibition led to the rise of organized crime in America,” (Carey, BrainyQuote). Drew Carey’s perspective on this statement is that the banning of alcohol did not reduce the percentage of criminal activity, but increased it. Another perspective on the prohibition of alcohol was mentioned by Jello Biafra, “For every prohibition you create, you also create an underground,” (Biafra, ThinkExist). Underground is referring to the underground bars or also known as ‘speakeasies’ where alcohol was smuggled and sold illegally. Along with these illegal underground bars, a business called ‘rum-running’ was established which is the act of smuggling illegal liquor across borders to other speakeasies. Overtime, rum-running became a huge business in North America and continued for years before the prohibition ended (Newman, 185). The government’s intentions of banning alcohol was contradicted by the society itself. They found loopholes involving criminal activity to continue consuming…show more content…
During the prohibition era, there was nothing but corruption. "Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded," (Lincoln, DrugLibrary). This quote from former president Abraham Lincoln states how that it is wrong to control a citizen(s) desires with a law, as this will only force them to perform criminal activities to fulfill their desires. These citizens found many ways to consume alcohol and one of them was through the legal exception to the prohibition law that pharmacists were allowed to distribute whiskey by a prescription. As a result, the number of pharmacists tripled in the prohibition era due to bootleggers starting their own pharmacies for the illegal trade of alcohol. Another loophole was found through churches as wine was allowed to be obtained for religious purposes which saw an increase in the amount of self-proclaimed rabbis. This was due to the fact that the law was unclear about making wine at home. So the American grape industry began selling kits of concentrated juice with the warning of not leaving them to sit for too long or else
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