Figurative Language In Maus

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Art Spiegelman, the author of the graphic novel Maus, uses many graphic mechanics on page 83. He uses voiceover, speech bubbles, transitions, camera angle, background, foreground, and splash. Voice over is used in every panel on this page. Vladek is telling Artie about what happened in this particular part of the story. If this wasn’t there, one might get confused about what they were actually seeing. Also, for example, when it says “They hanged there one full week,” (panel 4) we wouldn’t have known how long they had hung there if he hadn’t said it. Though it is a very upsetting page, I enjoyed knowing what was going on. As well as voiceover, there were also speech bubbles. Though there were not very many of them on this particular page, they were there. In my opinion, a page without dialogue isn’t as fun to read. Dialogue keeps the reader interested in the characters as well as the plot.…show more content…
It shows the feet of the hanging victims, and then in the next panel, it shows the other side of their feet. I think this is just a way for the author to have more room to write the voiceover, instead of just writing it all in one panel, because it would take up most of the panel. In the first two panels, it is action to action. Anja is running to Vladek in panel one, and in panel two, she reaches him and puts her hands on his chest. Panel four is a splash. It runs across the entire page. It also bleeds into the gutter between it and panel

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