Indian-American Segregation

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Imagine life in America without freedom for Africans-Americans and Americans- Indians? How they will feel and how they will act when they see the government of America is giving only right to white citizens? Both africans-Americans and Indians-Americans were segregated in the past. In 1887 the government of U.S put Indians-Americans in a small place call the reservation by passing the Dawes Act. Both Africans-americans and Indians-Americans had protest during 1950s-1970s to have their rights. They had similarities and differences in their method of protestation and also both had politics and economics impact in America. Between 1950s to 1970s both African-American and indian-American were fighting for the same objectives to…show more content…
In 1954 the supreme court decide that segregation of America’s public school was unconstitutional. In 1955 the court ordered to desegregation in public school. In september 1957 the federal government's integre nine black students in white school name Central high. When the nine black students arrived the first day in school, the Arkansas national guard didn’t want the little rock or nine black students to enter inside the school and white pro segregation were standing in the street screaming and spat on them. But the black students were peaceful and didn’t reacted when the white students were throwing harmful things on them(Donna). That shows both African-Americans and Indians-Americans were protesting to have their right in the pacific way because Indian-americans made An association to protest against segregation and the little rock students or nine black students didn’t reacted when the white students were spat and throwing harmful things on them. They were peaceful. In 1968 Indian-americans formed a movement called American-Indians…show more content…
In 1955 a black women name Rosa Park refused to move back of the bus and the bus was segregated after she was arrested and put on Jail. Then the Montgomery NAACP organized a boycott of a city’s buses. The year-long boycott called national attention and the government was losing money. That reach desegregation of Montgomery's public transport and also put Marthin Luther King JR on the top of leader to the civil rights movements for African- Americans. He was their leader of the civil right movement and he was using the pacifique method to achieve his goal(Donna). That show they both protested by doing manifestation or boycott to have government attention and that result to give them some rights. In 1961 the “freedom riders” has objectives to take a bus and go deeply inside the south to see if segregation still existed on the bus riders endured assaults by hostile whites in Alabama. White attacks on blacks in Montgomery prompted Attorney General Robert Kennedy to send 600 federal officers to that city and arrested the black protesters and put in
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