The Failure Of Prohibition In The 1920's

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The Prohibition was a good and bad time. There was illegal alcohol and more. Manly Prohibition was a bad time. Many people think that the 1920s was a very successful time. It was in music, movies, and fashion, but people don’t think about the alcohol side of the 1920s. The 1920s were was a very unsuccessful time. Prohibition negatively affected United States because of organized crime, alcohol consumption, government spending. Organized crime came to be in the Prohibition. Corruption grew in the police and with public officials (1920s Prohibition). Organized crime blossomed during Prohibition (1920s Prohibition). During the Prohibition criminals became extremely wealthy (Crime and Punishment). In forcing law increased police costs and jammed federal and state courts (David Kyvig). The Prohibition itself became a major source of corruption, Bootleggers, Moonshiners, and Crime bosses would bribe cops to look the other way so they could sell the illegal alcohol (Thornton 99). The government emptied prisons and poorhouses because of the burden of the taxes (96). The homicide rate in large cities increased from five point six per one hundred…show more content…
During the Prohibition The alcohol became more dangerous to consume (Alcohol Prohibition was a failure). Other than alcohol, Drugs were beginning to be used more during the Prohibition (Alcohol Prohibition was a failure). The most present liquor was poisoned (Reeves L Irg). Mark Thornton said “The death rate from poisoned liquor was appallingly high throughout the country.” Another thing that happened from the Prohibition was that thousands lost their jobs in breweries and in the wine industry. Most bootlegged alcohol contained poisonous chemicals that was then later digested by someone who bought it (crime and punishment). Every year more and more speakeasies came about (1920s Prohibition). The Prohibition also increased the amount of alcohol that was consumed (Reeves l
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