1920's Cultural Conflicts

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Module 5 Discussion Have the cultural conflicts of the 1920’s all disappeared as American society has grown more progressive and more multicultural? The 1920’s is characterized by a variety of deep cultural conflicts that emerged by having ethnic and racial issues. There were rapid changes in society, immigration and the economy. The American people resent the fact which they believed both foreign and radical immigrants imposed a threat to harmony and order, by changing America’s culture and way of life. The country was torn apart by these ethnic and racial and rural and urban divisions. During this time, the Democratic Party was in a frenzy with cultural conflicts in dealing with rural and urban immigrants. However, the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921, passed by Congress put limitations / restrictions on immigration based on a person’s national origin and the amount of immigrants migrating to the U.S. Having these new laws and restrictions set in place, American’s continued to fear foreign and radical immigrants as being an ongoing problem. Immigrants settling and wanting to become permanent residents unfortunately faced the problems as well as the conflicts of racial discrimination and…show more content…
Also, the Klan spread the messages of being anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish. They were completely against other religious views such as the ones I mentioned. In 1925, roughly five million people became a part of the KKK group. This organization believed that Jewish individuals were consider to be dangerous radicals. When it comes to Catholics, the KKK felt they were a huge threat to the entire country. If people of other races, ethnicities or religions did not believe or support their group, they would be severely chastised and even killed. The KKK still exists even in today’s modern
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