Problem Of Being Hazara In 'The Kite Runner'

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Another problem of being Hazara is that Hassan is treated as if his life is worth nothing in Afghan society. Through the book, readers can see that Hassan is treated like a “second-class citizen” by other characters. In the chapter two, when Hassan and Amir pass through the shortcut, a squatty soldier makes fun of Hassan. The soldier stops Hassan and barks to him:“You! The Hazara! Look at me when I’m talking to you!”(7) He calls Hassan as Hazara, not boy or kid. Clearly lacking any respect for Hassan. Another example is that Assef, the village bully, tries to get Hassan and Amir in trouble one day. During the confrontation, Assef calls Hassan a ”motherless Hazara”(45) and “Flat-Nose”(42). This is absolutely rude for a human being. Other the hand, when Amir sees Assef, he thinks: “It also occurred to me how lucky I was to have Baba as my father, the sole reason, I believer, Assef had mostly refrained from harassing me too much.”(42) He actually does not worry too much about Assef.…show more content…
Later in the novel, when Amir is looking for Hassan after he has run off to retrieve the kite, Amir asks Omar if he knows where Hassan is, and Omar says: “Your Hazara?”(73), and “Although I’ve always wondered how he manages, I mean, with those tight little eyes, how does he see anything?” Omar calls Hassan as Amir’s Hazara, and he makes degrading statement based on the physical appearance of Hassan because of he is a Hazara. The best example of how Hassan is treated as less than human is in the “worst part” of the

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