Prison Wall Research Paper

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How a Prison is Like a Cell Cell Wall/Prison Wall Function of Cell Wall: The cell wall (only found in plant cells) does many useful things they include protecting the cell from dangerous material, supporting the cell’s structure to help the cell grow, and allowing H20, O2, CO2 and other substances to diffuse in and out of the cell. Function of Prison Wall: The prison wall protects the people inside the prison while keeping prisoners in. Similarities: The cell wall and prison wall are similar in different functions, the cell/prison wall allows substances/people and materials in and out, supports the structure of both prison and cell and protects the the prison/cell from dangerous material. Cell Membrane/Prison Gate Function of Cell Membrane:…show more content…
Similarities: The similarities of the Cell Membrane and Prison Gate are that they both control the movement of everything going inside or outside, they help support their counterparts and they protect everything they are apart of. Cytoplasm/(some) Staff Function of Cytoplasm: The Cytoplasm like blood is everywhere inside the cell to act like a filling, but it also does many useful tasks they are protecting, holding and moving the organelles. Function of Staff: They are everywhere and security (a part of the staff) protects parts of the prison, the workers move stuff around and make sure everything is working correctly. Similarities: The cytoplasm and staff are everywhere, they both move things around and protect their…show more content…
Mitochondria/Power Generator Function of Mitochondria: The use of the mitochondria is to take in nutrients and then break them down into high energy rich molecules for the cell. Function of Power Generator: The power generator creates power that is needed to run the prison at top efficiency. Similarities: They both create energy and that energy is always much required. Golgi Apparatus/Delivery and/or Prison Work Function of Golgi Apparatus: The golgi apparatus (like Santa Claus) creates and packages goods, first it gathers simple molecules and then it creates complex molecules out of them, then it packages them into vesicles and will store them inside the cell or send it out, another thing it can do is create lysosomes. Function of Delivery and/or Prison Work: The delivery in the prison sends packages, letters and etc. all over so that prisoners can receive the items sent to them from family members and friends, staff can receive what they need to run the prison and support their personal needs and thats only some of the very useful things the delivery does. Prisoners also have to do work in the prison, the prisoners make all sorts of useful material that can be used inside the prison and
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