Potable Water Case Study

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Access to Potable Water The Philippine Institute for Development Studies conducted a study last late 2008 to early 2009 about the local service delivery in the sectors of education, health and potable water and it focused in the area of Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental and the province of Agusan del Sur in Mindanao (Israel, 2009). Several studies were made regarding the accessibility of potable drinking water in the Philippines. According to Greenpeace and World Bank, one out of 5 Filipinos did not have access to safe and potable sources of water. Only 77% of the rural population and 90% of urban areas have access to improved water source and only 44% have a direct house connections (Israel, 2009). If that problem is left unrecognized, serious…show more content…
A change in dietary and lifestyle practices of urban people is the effect of existence of both undernutrition and over nutrition inside a household in urban poor community. Such factors that contribute to these changes are consuming high dietary fat, sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity due to entertainment devices and energy imbalances that may result to underlying causes in which both conditions may exist. In relation stated in the study of child and mother’s, under and over nutrition based on their nutritional status is due to mother’s educational level, occupation, number of children in a household, energy intake, and many other factors (Agdeppa et al.,…show more content…
Living in provincial areas are quite tough for the ones who are used in living in the city. According to Dr. Fatima Omer Nabag Mohamed (2011), the rates of underweight, stunting and thinness of the school girl children in Khartoum State, Sudan were 59.1%, 47.7% and 9.4% respectively, while in the urban area, they were 39.0%, 18.1%, and 1.0% respectively. The anthropometric measurements such as height, weight and body mass index of the school girls living in rural are significantly lower than the urban children. The significant relating the nutritional status of the child is mostly coming from their parents’ education, fathers’ profession, living conditions, family size and physical activities. Dr. Mohamed also states that the prevention of malnutrition should be given a high priority in the implementation of the ongoing primary health care programs with particular attention paid to the rural population (Mohamed,

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