Out Of Print Rhetorical Analysis

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A Rhetorical Analysis of Out Of Print The United States as a whole is making massive leaps in technological advances, some of which seem to be replacing the archaic way the public goes about their average everyday life. In a documentary by Vivienne Roumani entitled Out Of Print, Roumani attempts to show her audience of the worldwide decrease of the public’s tendency to read physical books. Roumani interviews a number of people from many acclaimed professions in order to prove that the publishing world is slowly inking out of existence, and the digital world is taking over. Out Of Print contextualizes the idea of physical books and their advancement through a necessary timeline tracing back to the first written word, through the Gutenberg…show more content…
Interestingly, instead of offering ways in which to possibly change this digitalization of the publishing world, the documentary primarily focused on the new, yet not inferior, ways technology are changing everyday life. Roumani also talks about how this shift from physical to digital is influencing society pertaining to the youth of America. I primarily chose this document to hear its argument towards the slow decline in the printing books, because I strongly believe that in today’s society physical books are increasing and becoming more popular, specifically in the younger generation, due to many influences such as the movie industry, social media, and pop culture, as well as school and intellectual influence. In today's society we are seeing history repeat itself as America’s youth is finding satisfaction in trends from years past, teenagers are choosing to surround themselves with items that would have seen “old fashioned” only a few years ago; they are inspired by clothes, music, and movies from the 70’s and 80’s, they are intrigued by owning a record player. Today's youth has completely romanticized past decades and integrates them into everyday life, it's no surprise that the physical book has also…show more content…
Those interviewed, including Jeff Bezos, and Scott Turow et al., as well as the Director Vivienne Roumani, seemed to take an ambivalent tone when it came to the digital world expanding; almost every person interviewed throughout the hour long documentary seemed almost to contradict their own thoughts. Many began by saying that future generations “may never even know what a book is (Roumani)” and then later followed up saying that they don't quite know the future of traditionally printed books. The style in which the documentary played out was often jumbled and confusing for the average audience to understand; it began with a logical structure and a clear claim process, and then slowly began throwing in unnecessary points and lost its main goal of convincing the audience of the downfall of traditional printing. As the documentary unfolds it introduced ts main claims about traditional and digital printing and proved its points through the interviewing of authors, self published authors, publishers, CEOs, and more. However, with the introduction of discriminatory statistics, the documentary slowly began losing credibility, after that the documentary slips farther down the rabbit hole of illogical when it begins straying from the rise of digital printing, and begins discussing libraries, schools, and

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