Summary In Katherine Paterson's 'Lyddie'

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Through the long and impactful novel Lyddie by Katherine Paterson, we were introduced to a 13-year-old girl named Lyddie who was forced to leave her family and beloved home. Due to her distant mother's decision to sell her off to a mill because of the family’s problems with money, which were partly because her father had left the family in search of gold mines when Lyddie was very young, she grew up feeling broken. Nonetheless, she hoped to one day be able to unite the full family that Lyddie once had. After working at the mil for about a year, she traveled to Massachusetts to work at a factory called Lowell. Lydie found life while working at Lowell to be torture. The long hours of work were impossible to handle. There had been conversations…show more content…
One of the many reasons Lyddie should sign the petition would be to have better working conditions at the factory in Lowell. Ordinarily, working at Lowell had caused many people who worked there to experience torture. This was because the people running the factory made the people work at a dangerously fast pace. Consequently, the faster pace caused many disasters to the people who worked there. Also, the workforce was paid very little money for their hard work. On page 91, a generalization was made that there's not much difference between the girls at Lowell and black slaves due to the demand of fast-paced rooms and the money that they earned were hardly be enough to be above minimum wage. Also, with the speed of the looms being so fast, the spindles were very dangerous to work with. There was also a lot of pressure on the girls to be perfect. “We might as well be black slaves… but in those days I had one hundred thirty spindles to tend. Now I have twice that amount and at a speed that would make the devil's curse.” This explains that the machines were the main reason for the disasters that caused the girls pain and torture,…show more content…
Under the watchful eye of the overseer Mr. Marsden, many young girls became victims of his actions. The problem with that would be that whenever Lyddie had tried telling people about Mr. Marsden’s action, people would not believe the words of a helpless child. In chapter 20 on page 160, Mr. Marsden informed Lyddie that she was fired due to her actions of protecting her friend from becoming another victim. Even when Mr. Marsden was gesturing at Brigid, people were supposed to respect the officials who worked there. Because of Mr. Marsden’s actions, Brigid felt scared throughout her life. “Then she heard a strained, high-pitched voice. ‘Please, sir, please Mr. Marsden… Lyddie snatched up the fire bucket. It was full of water… ‘Please-no-” She ran down the aisle between the looms toward the voice and saw in the shadows Brigid, eyes white with fear, and Mr. Marsden’s back. His hands clamped on Brigid’s arms.” Before Lyddie had arrived to save Brigid, Mr. Marsden was making physical contact with Brigid. Because she was just a little girl, there would have been no way for her to be saved without Lyddie’s help. Lyddie helped Brigid get away from the overseer by dumping a bucket on his head while he was trying to make a romantic action upon her friend. Then, later he claimed that Lyddie was unladylike and a troublemaker so that he could eventually fire her. On page 167, Mr. Marsden

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