Police Motivation

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The thesis for “Improving Motivation and Productivity of Police Officers” is Supervisors throughout Law Enforcement work hard to make sure officers stay motivated, and are performing efficiently and effectively. Crime fighting can cause officers to have a different view towards people and can give them a us versus them view. Many negative factors in Law Enforcement can cause officers to do the bare minimum, and can lead to having feelings of inconsequentiality. Officers see the worst of people and are constantly seeing the after effects of violent crimes such as things like theft, rape, murder, and assault can take a toll on the most highly trained officers. Public servants like police officers don't usually get paid as much as private workers…show more content…
In 2003 a researcher found ways officers can increase motivation and be able to last a longer career in law enforcement. Officers who work in areas with higher crime rates often request to transfer to areas with less crime to keep themselves from becoming to cynical. In larger departments officers have more room to seek different opportunities in that department to self motivate them and work their way into greater opportunities. Many officers work in the patrol division for several years and then later apply for higher positions such as, specialized response team members, investigators, crime control officers, and school resource officers. These are jobs that can be a motivator because they each require different kinds of training, and can keep interest through the field of law enforcement. Self motivation is very important to officers and is even more important as they grow in their career in law enforcement such as becoming a supervisor. Being a supervisor is important and showing a positive attitude and leading by example is very important. “According to the U.S Marines Corps officers, training statement, officers have to self motivate to keep themselves inspired and focused on the mission” (Fortenbery, 2015). The question is if leaders don't motivate themselves then who will ? Another way someone can motivate themselves is by studying their…show more content…
Officers who are unhealthy and unfit can put a strain on a department and its productivity. Illnesses and injury can be a serious problem and cost money in overtime and sick leave as well as the cost of health insurance. Health and fitness is essential in law enforcement which includes heavy lifting and running. A career in law enforcement requires to live a healthier lifestyle in order to pursue a stress free career (Fortenbery, 2015). Motivation is important in almost any line of work and especially law enforcement. Police officers are held to a high standard in the community and expected to prevent crime, protect, and be unbiased. In order for supervisors to help motivate their employees they must be able to understand them and have empathy. Officers are like a team and depend on each other for physical backup, technical problems, and emotional support (Fortenbery,
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