Planned Parenthood Research Paper

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Sara Williams Patrick Kegley Health Science 23 September 2015 Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that does research into and gives advice on contraceptives, family planning, reproductive problems, and perform abortions. Personally I love the idea and I’m happy that there is organization that does what Planned Parenthood does. I also like Planned Parenthood because I believe it is very beneficial since they provide contraception options, they’ll help with reproductive problems, and if a teen girl/women decided they don’t want to proceed in having a baby, they can abort. There many great qualities that I find in Planned Parenthood, but everyone in the world has their opinions/beliefs on Planned Parenthood, what…show more content…
Many people have grown to rely on planned parenthood for them giving out contraceptives such as condoms and different forms of birth control. As stated in the book Birth Control Politics, “Margaret Sanger...coined the term birth control, maintained that access to contraception as a woman's fundamental right” (McCann, 1). Many people are for Planned Parenthood because we have an organization that provides many contraceptives. People also appreciate Planned Parenthood since they perform abortions, coming from many circumstances. “A woman’s right to choose to have an abortion free from state coercion was defined, developed, and constructed without any sustained effort on the part of the Court to articulate why such a right actually is important is to women” (Whitman, 1980) For some people, abortion is a complex subject, but many people are for Planned Parenthood because of the services they provide. And not to mention it’s a nonprofit organization, where anyone, any class, can receive help from them. They don’t say things like “You must have insurance...You must be a citizen”, they will take anyone. And most of the time the cost isn’t as expensive as most clinics and/or…show more content…
I believe that you should also be for Planned Parenthood, not only because of that but also because it’s beneficial for anyone, those who don’t have much money, those who aren’t citizens, no insurance, anyone. Which is great for populations, diseases, any with better society. I wouldn’t want to be a extremely overpopulated nation nor would I want the STD percentage is only get higher. Planned Parenthood is a good organization that you should be for simply because doing the things that they do is just much more beneficial for the world around you. In conclusion there are many more reasons why people are for Planned Parenthood and against. Personally I believe that the Planned Parenthood has bazzar reasons as to why they should close their door are be given ultimatums as to how they should functions. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yes it has flaws but they aren’t money grabbing baby killers, or an organization that wants to take all of taxpayers
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