Planned Parenthood Research Paper

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Planned Parenthood: From Eugenics to Absolutely Essential In our first class, we discussed the origins of Planned Parenthood, which was fascinating to me. I knew most of the basic information, but the controversy surrounding Margaret Sanger shocked and enraged me, which lead me to want to do more research on the evolution of Planned Parenthood from its inception to present day. The heartbreaking past of Planned Parenthood has evolved into one of the largest health care providers in the nation. Before World War I, Margaret Sanger approached the topics of sexuality and sexual health from a feminist perspective. However, as time progressed, so did Sanger’s views on sexual health and birth control. After World War I, Sanger’s views aligned strongly…show more content…
First and foremost, the existence of Planned Parenthood and corporations like Planned Parenthood give women the opportunity, the right, and the ability to make decisions about their bodies for themselves. In a patriarchal society in which old white men believe hold the power to make decisions about women’s health care, it is essential that there are systems in place to combat those sentiments. According to Planned Parenthood’s website, Planned Parenthood provides contraceptives (such as birth control), long-acting reversible contraception, emergency contraception, screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and testicular cancer, pregnancy testing, pregnancy options counseling, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, comprehensive sexual education, menopause treatments, vasectomies, tubal ligations, and abortions. The Planned Parenthood 2013-2014 annual report there were 4,470,597 instances of STI/STD testing and treatment, 3,577,348 instances of contraception, 935,573 cancer screenings and preventions, 1,128,783 pregnancy tests given, 18,684 prenatal services, 327,653 abortion procedures, 2,000 adoption referrals to other agencies, and 129,795 other services given for a total of over 10.6 million services provided to people by Planned
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