Plagiarism In The Music Industry

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Introduction Music is the art of sound. It has the power to touch one’s heart and open another’s mind. The creators of this artwork hard to please their audience or themselves. Any piece created by these musicians with the purpose of gaining a profit would link the artist to a music industry. The music industry holds a risky business. Its outcomes depend on the opinions and abilities of the population. As society has changed, the popularity of music and originality has become more necessary when a larger profit is desired. When an individual or group is successful, it is important that they get credit for their original creations. In order to ensure that a substantial profit can be made, laws are put in place to protect the artists from acts…show more content…
Saha, of Current Science, asserts that plagiarism, specifically in scientific research, has become an important issue to resolve in India. Saha diverts from the political discussion of the Copyright Act and pours attention to the ethical discussion. Ethics are not a defined topic, so point of view may change logic used and will continue to be debatable. Actions based on solely ethics of a person would be difficult to implement, so laws are necessary to pass. Saha continues to define plagiarism and its negative effect of taking away profit from the creator. Indian research may enhance by taking the issue to higher levels of political and social parley. This source covers the necessity of a good copyright law in…show more content…
Tucker, from The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, explains that ideas always come from inspirations, such as other ideas. There are some, however, that go beyond inspiration to blatant copying. Tucker details that this is a problem because most Indian pop music comes from Bollywood movies, intensifying that India has a massive film industry. The globalization of the industry makes the plagiarism more apparent. Tucker goes on to describe that the law protects foreign and domestic holders from infringement, but they have a difficult time actually utilizing the protections. The copyright was not focused on music, so the quality of the content produced by the composers declined. This article reveals that India’s copyright policies are not very efficient. Joseph Koshy, from the Licensing Journal, argues that India is adopting more aspects of Western media and goods. With the growth of the use of media, like television, for the 1.1 billion people in India, Intellectual Property rights have become a “boon for the nation.” The framework of the IP protection system consists of the Patents Act (1970), the Copyright Act (1957), and the Trademarks Act (1999). Culturally, intellectual property contributes to “human progress and creative expression.” Economically, intellectual property can be regarded as “an exclusive, intangible asset” that can result in a competitive advantage in a particular market. Licensing is “voluntary” in India, where right holders may decide their

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