Draft (Version1.3: 15 April, 2015) Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Anti-Plagiarism Policy 1. Preamble Plagiarism is an issue of serious concern in the academic and research circles. Viewed as an act of dishonesty, willful or otherwise, plagiarism has moral and ethical implications that vitiate the environment of trust and honesty and adversely impacts the esteem and prestige of the researchers and academicians on one hand and the organisations they belong to on the other
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) The researcher will conduct a Focus Grouped Discussion (FGD) were farmers and the researcher will contribute and discuss the pros and cons of using mobile applications for agriculture development. This will then be evaluated for the farmers’ experiences. Questionnaire Survey A questionnaire survey will be conducted to the respondents. This type of survey is very simple to create