Place Kicking Research Paper

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Place kicking in the game of rugby is considered an all of body movement, not just a swing of the leg. Place kicking is considered similar to a throwing motion - proximal to distal sequence or otherwise known as acceleration. When place kicking the segment (Proximal) starts from the hip then proceeds sequentially through the thigh to the distal segment (Lower leg). When kicking the ball segments of the body rotate in different way to maximise the speed and power of the foot to produce a successful place kick. The kinetic chain also is used to generate enough speed and power to produce a successful kick, energy is transferred from the trunk to pelvis, thigh and leg. When the kinetic chain sequence is done correctly it results in maximum velocity of the foot at impact. An important thing to remember when kicking is that is is the speed of the foot at contact that is the key factor in successful…show more content…
When Harry’s foot makes contact with the ball it is said to be believed that 15% of the kinetic energy is transferred from Harry’s foot to the ball, while the other 75% of kinetic energy is dispersed by the dramatic activity of the hamstrings muscle group to slow the leg down. How ever because during this movement large forces are used, injury could occur to the hamstring. When the kicking leg first makes contact with the ball, the hip and knee is slightly flexed and the foot is moving upwards and forwards. During the execution phase two of Newton's laws have been carried out. The first being the law of inertia - An object will not change its state of motion unless acted upon by a net, external force. In this case when the Harry kicks the ball, the ball then propels forward. The second law being - Force = Mass x Acceleration (f=MxA). Therefore the greater the swing of the leg, the greater the force will be exerted onto the ball resulting in it travelling

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