Agnel Wilson Research Paper

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The Murder of Agnel Wilson The murder of Agnel Wilson is one of the most talked about events in the Christian Colony, Orlem, Malad East, Mumbai, for several years after it happened. Bungalow No. 237 still continues to be a source of intrigue, and a hot topic of gossip and speculation, amongst the residents of this Colony. 237, which lies empty and abandoned today, used to be the residence of the Wilson family- young, handsome Agnel Wilson, his seemingly demure but ostensibly beautiful wife Rebecca, and their infant girl, Mary Wilson. “But since Agnel died and Rebecca was taken away by them, no family has come to live here since. This house has been on the market for five years, but no one has…show more content…
He wanted to fuck me and I refused…he wouldn’t let me feed Mary…my baby is wailing in her crib and all he wants to do is fuck. Agnel came home late again today. I found lipstick on the collar of his shirt, and also a woman’s perfume. When I asked him, the motherfucker hit me on the side of the head and asked me to keep out of his personal affairs. I will kill him…kill him one day…I will kill him…this brute doesn’t deserve to live… The claims allegedly made by Rebecca in her journal were aggravated by the fact that scars and old bruises were found on Rebecca’s body- hands, face, neck, legs and stomach. Her mental condition was too fragile for her to tell the police, or even her doctors, anything, so the police had to proceed on pure speculation. Plus, she’d never registered a case of domestic violence against Agnel. Or spoken to anyone outside her home about Agnel’s violent behavior, drinking problem or philandering. But every resident of Christian Colony I spoke to, vouches for Agnel, unequivocally stating that he wasn’t an alcoholic, and was unlikely to cheat on Rebecca, whom he was intensely devoted to. He was even devoted to his baby

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