Pineapple Case Study

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The pineapple is an edible, delicious, tropical plant. When growing a pineapple, it thrives throughout Latin America. It is said that the pineapple originated somewhere between Brazil and Paraguay. (“Pineapple”, Wikipedia) One of the most common places to produce pineapple is Costa Rica. Dole has many pineapple farms in Costa Rica and is the largest distributor of pineapples, pineapple juice and canned pineapples throughout the US, Canada and Europe. As of august 2013, Doles CEO has been David Murdock, with its headquarters in Westlake Village, California. (“Dole Food Company”, Wikipedia) Dole is a private company that was founded on June 2, 1851. Today, the pineapple plant has been domesticated to the point, where many homeowners grow pineapples indoors in their homes. However naturally, the pineapple tends to flourish when the soil is non-compacted, well-aerated and free, which means that there is no heavy clay or rock within the soil. (“Land…show more content…
However pineapple is prone to sunburn damage if it is too hot out, so a frost-free site is needed. (“Land Requirements for Growing Pineapples”, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) This is assuming that the pineapple is being properly irrigated. If not, the pineapple plant should be planted where there is rainfall consistently throughout the year. The pineapple should get at least 750 mm of rainfall or more per year. (“Land Requirements for Growing Pineapples”, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) With water irrigation, water the pineapple plants consistently throughout their growing period and if growing in a dryer area, try to water the ground about 8-12 weeks before it is it recommended to start to grow the pineapples. (“Land Requirements for Growing Pineapples”, Department of Agriculture and

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