Persuasive Speech About Bullying

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MARLEEN WONG: We have seen so many children come into schools who are exposed to violence-- issues that place our children in jeopardy every single day. RON HERTEL: Bullying and harassment. MARY DORGAN: Domestic violence, neglect, abuse. TIM DELMORE: We have had a multitude of suicides. JOE VARGAS: I've got kids here that have seen a dead body in the street. They think,"Am I going to be next?" MARY WILSON: We had a first grader choking himself, saying that he wanted to die. RON HERTEL: Survival trumps are learning for children who have trauma in their life. And when survival trumps are learning, learning is going to be compromised. Every student, you know, spends six to seven hours a day in the school. If they live in a chaotic environment at home, many times, the school is the only safe, sane place where they feel that their well-being is regarded.…show more content…
MARY DORGAN: We talked about what bullying is. Now, who can think of a way that someone is bullying? Children who deal with traumatic issues, their mind is not on the schoolwork. As educators, we need to address the emotional, the social, the physical, and the intellectual parts of children. RON HERTEL: When you think of one-third of the students that are in your classroom, impacted by the traumas that are going on in their

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